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Is your child 11 years old (Year 5) and facing the 11+ exams?

Grammar school is a state secondary which students are admitted due to their ability. However, most schools only have space for 135-350 pupils each year depending on the size of the school, so to determine who they let into the school, the pupils have to do exams at the age of 11.
When is the test?
Most schools have different dates depending on the borough the school is in. This can be found on the school/borough websites. However, all tests are done on dates between September-December each year.
Types of Test?
The student takes two different exams

➢ Exam one is multiple choice, one Maths and one English. If the student passes the first exam, they will be able to move onto exam Two.
➢ Exam two comprehension and writing task is based on the Ks2 curriculum.
When do you get the results?
For the first test, you get the results on 21st September, and then the second test results are given from October-March depending on the school.
If the student meets the pass grade requirements, they will not find out the grade they got.
However, if they don’t pass, they will be told their marks. If you do not meet the requirements for stage one, you will not be given a choice to do stage Two.
How to prepare for the exams?
Kingston –
Bexley/Medway -Https://

All information for schools can be found on the links below
➢ Surrey
Sutton 6 Grammar schools
Kingston 1 Grammar school

➢ Medway 7 Grammar schools
➢ Bexley 4 Grammar schools

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